DBS Treasures DBS Treasures Selected Customer Offer

The latest offer is for selected DBS Treasures customers. Enter the promotion code "KRXDBS" to enjoy a 10% discount when purchasing any product over HK$ 700 at Kidrise STEM Hong Kong Educational Toys Online Store.
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Kidrise 天文科學STEAM兒童60倍折射天文觀星望遠鏡:Amazing Telescope (連手機支架、觀星導覽書)-STEM玩具-Kidrise🧒🏻STEM香港教育玩具|STEAM科學實驗玩具|STEM幼兒教育玩具|啟智早教玩具|蒙特梭利教具

Kidrise Astronomy Science STEAM Children 60x Refraction Astronomy Stargazing Telescope: Amazing Telescope (with mobile phone holder, stargazing guide book)

Kidrise Tongle Gaofei new 60 times refraction astronomical stargazing telescope Amazing Telescope 【🔭Kidrise Newest Toy】New 60x refraction astronomical stargazing telescope Amazing Telescope video introduction Amazing Telescope product introduction page Difficulty...

Children's microscope 🔬STEAM science experiment 🥼 (upgraded version with specimen)

$609.00From $529.00
🔬【Kidrise Kids Microscope Toy Unboxing】 Difficulty of assembly: 🔧🔧 (5 is the most difficult) Buy our Hong Kong STEAM children's microscope 📵, it also includes 12 specimens for scientific experiments,...
ProsKit GE-634液壓自組STEAM機械人手套🧤DIY抓夾鬼手🖐️-STEM玩具-Kidrise🧒🏻STEM香港教育玩具|STEAM科學實驗玩具|STEM幼兒教育玩具|啟智早教玩具|蒙特梭利教具

ProsKit GE-634 Hydraulic Self-Assembly STEAM Robot Gloves 🧤DIY Gripping Ghost Hands 🖐️

Pro'sKit Baogong Toys discount, buy two 10% off the second one, the discount applies to toys with lower prices. Promo code: proskit10off Pro'sKit Science Toy Series Difficulty of assembly: 🔧🔧🔧🔧🔧...
Amazing Toys TroneX 38合1 STEM科學實驗套裝 – 電子琴實驗室-STEM玩具-Kidrise🧒🏻STEM香港教育玩具|STEAM科學實驗玩具|STEM幼兒教育玩具|啟智早教玩具|蒙特梭利教具

Amazing Toys TroneX 38-in-1 STEM Science Experiment Set – Electronic Keyboard Laboratory

Amazing Toys has a discount on toys, buy two and get 15% off the second one. The discount applies to lower-priced toys. Discount code: az15off Amazing Toys toy series Assembly...
tudao 機器人編程世界 (Scratch 3.0編程STEM DIY自組積木)-STEM玩具-Kidrise🧒🏻STEM香港教育玩具|STEAM科學實驗玩具|STEM幼兒教育玩具|啟智早教玩具|蒙特梭利教具

tudao Robot Programming World (Scratch 3.0 programming STEM DIY self-assembling building blocks)

$909.00From $768.00
Difficulty of assembly: 🔧🔧🔧🔧 (5 is the most difficult) The 🤖programming building block robot newly created by tudao allows children to learn programming Coding while building blocks, use their imagination...
ProsKit GE-618太陽能自組STEM機械人☀️12合1百戰天龍🦖-STEM玩具-Kidrise🧒🏻STEM香港教育玩具|STEAM科學實驗玩具|STEM幼兒教育玩具|啟智早教玩具|蒙特梭利教具

ProsKit GE-618 Solar Self-Assembling STEM Robot ☀️12 in 1 Fighting Dragon🦖

Pro'sKit Baogong Toys discount, buy two 10% off the second one, the discount applies to toys with lower prices. Promo code: proskit10off Pro'sKit Science Toy Series Difficulty of assembly: 🔧🔧🔧🔧...

BRESSER Kids STEM🦠Advanced 800x Scientific Microscope🔬

$919.00From $719.00
Difficulty of assembly: 🔧🔧 (5 is the most difficult) Specially designed for children|800 times high-definition imaging|Embedded LED electric light source Capable of taking photos and videos|45°golden viewing angle|Portable design German...
tudao SuperBot超能爭霸機械人🏎️STEAM智能教育編程機器人 (Scratch 3.0)-STEM玩具-Kidrise🧒🏻STEM香港教育玩具|STEAM科學實驗玩具|STEM幼兒教育玩具|啟智早教玩具|蒙特梭利教具

tudao SuperBot Super Robot 🏎️STEAM Intelligent Education Programming Robot (Scratch 3.0)

Difficulty of assembly: 🔧🔧🔧🔧 (5 is the most difficult) tudao SuperBot 🏎️STEAM Intelligent Educational Programming Robot (Scratch3.0) is a DIY 18-in-1 🤖programmable STEM educational robot set, which allows children to...
Science Can太陽系🪐八大行星模型STEM投影器-STEM玩具-Kidrise🧒🏻STEM香港教育玩具|STEAM科學實驗玩具|STEM幼兒教育玩具|啟智早教玩具|蒙特梭利教具

Science Can Solar System 🪐 Eight Planets Model STEM Projector

$399.00From $369.00
Difficulty of assembly: 🔧🔧 (5 is the most difficult) The solar system projector🌎sound can enhance children's creativity and knowledge, stimulate their curiosity, imagine and explore the universe, galaxies, spaceships and...

TOI night small flashlight 🔦 look for it 🧩 STEM educational toys

Difficulty of assembly: 🔧 (5 is the most difficult) Concentration|Observation|Response|Patience Using special black technology, wherever the small torch goes, the game pattern will immediately appear in front of the eyes,...
🇺🇸美國Celestron星特朗TravelScope 70 STEM天文望遠鏡🔭 (附送專用背囊)-STEM玩具-Kidrise🧒🏻STEM香港教育玩具|STEAM科學實驗玩具|STEM幼兒教育玩具|啟智早教玩具|蒙特梭利教具

🇺🇸USA Celestron TravelScope 70 STEM Astronomical Telescope🔭 (with special backpack)

Assembly Difficulty: 🔧🔧 🔧 (5 points for the most difficult) Super Large Diameter 70mm|5×24 Finderscope|Multilayer Coating The Celestron TravelScope 70 astronomical telescope, a famous American telescope manufacturer, has a dual-purpose...
STEM彈射滑梯滾球軌道🔮 (142件積木30滾球)-STEM玩具-Kidrise🧒🏻STEM香港教育玩具|STEAM科學實驗玩具|STEM幼兒教育玩具|啟智早教玩具|蒙特梭利教具

STEM ejection slide rolling ball track 🔮 (142 pieces of building blocks 30 rolling balls)

Difficulty of assembly: 🔧🔧 (5 is the most difficult) Develop brain|Shape and color cognition|Safe and tasteless|Multiple disassembly|Social interaction The brand-new Hong Kong STEM ever-changing slide catapult ball toy can build...