【2023 Lunar New Year gift recommendation】STEM toys gift. Year of the Tiger Limited Time Free Shipping Offer

Lunar New Year Holiday Shipping Arrangement
Orders placed on or before January 24 can be arranged for Lunar New Year delivery.Orders placed on or after January 25 will be shipped on or after February 8.
Kidrise provides you with a large number of hot STEM toys, favorite STEM toys gift selections and shopping discounts! Exchange gifts or give to family and friends during New Year greetings, adults and children will love it! Year of the Tiger limited-time free shipping offer.
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Galaxy Way 30-267H Building Block Brick Castle (60 Building Blocks)
60-pack of themed castle blocks; Made of natural high-quality beech wood; Enrich children's exploration and imagination; The surface of each building block is smooth, environmentally friendly, safe, and a lasting...
Jollybaby Detachable Cloth Body Pull Back Car (Fire Truck)
Difficulty of assembly: 🔧🔧 (5 is the most difficult) Manual ability|Cognitive ability|Brain development Puzzle inertia pull back car Cartoon interesting pattern design, a variety of shapes and colors, to recognize...
Saalin Children's Advanced Enlightenment Scene Tangram 🔺 Math Enlightenment Toys
Difficulty of assembly: 🔧🔧🔧 (5 points are the most difficult) Geometric figures|Mathematical concepts|Brain enlightenment|Intelligence development Children's advanced enlightenment scene jigsaw puzzles, scene illustration version jigsaw puzzles, question cards from 1...
Goryeo Baby Children's Educational Matching Card Jigsaw Puzzle Set
Goryeo Toys Promotion, buy three get the third one half price, discount applies to lower priced toys. Coupon code: goryeo50off Goryeo Toy Series Assembly difficulty: 🔧 (5 points is the...
Goryeo Baby Ball Track Pipe Building Blocks Educational Toys
Goryeo玩具優惠,買三件第三件半價,優惠適用於價格較低的玩具。 優惠碼:goryeo50off Goryeo玩具系列 組裝難易度:🔧(5分為最困難) 讓孩子在玩樂中啟發智慧,這款Goryeo Baby管道積木益智玩具專為3至6歲兒童設計,採用環保ABS及亞克力材質,結合百變積木拼搭與走珠滾珠軌道的互動玩法,旨在培養孩子的手眼協調、觀察力、邏輯思維與創造力,同時為早期認知啓蒙提供豐富資源。無論男女孩均能在拼搭過程中,享受發現與創新的無限樂趣。 全方位學習與創意玩法 多樣積木組件 直管、彎管與T管積木:各種形態的管道積木讓孩子可以隨心所欲地拼搭,從直線到曲線,再到交叉組合,構建出獨一無二的走珠軌道。 數字、字母與圖案拼搭:產品設計更延伸出數字、字母及圖案等多元拼搭模式,讓孩子在玩樂中潛移默化地認識基礎知識,提升認知水平與學習興趣。 滾珠歷險記挑戰 自由堆疊設計:孩子可以根據自己的創意,將管道積木自由拼裝,讓小滾珠在不同的軌道中展開一場刺激的歷險。當滾珠遇到阻礙,只需調整管道方向,即可順利通行,這一過程不僅增強了解決問題的能力,還激發了孩子的創意思維與探索精神。 實時反饋:通過觀察滾珠在不同路徑上的運動效果,孩子能夠學會辨識積木形態與球體運動間的關係,鍛鍊邏輯思維與觀察力,從而更好地理解因果關係和空間概念。 安全設計與優質工藝 環保健康材質 採用權威機構認證的環保ABS材質和高品質亞克力,不含BPA,確保產品安全無毒,適合寶寶入口探索,讓家長安心選擇。 升級耐用設計 加厚管道:全新升級的加厚管道設計,結構堅固,不易破裂,能夠長時間承受孩子們的各種拼搭挑戰。 科學尺寸規範:每個積木均經過精確設計,尺寸控制嚴謹,有效防止孩子誤吞,保障玩耍安全。 精細工藝與人性化設計 光滑無毛刺:經過多道精細打磨工序,每塊積木表面均圓潤光滑,絕無毛刺,呵護孩子嬌嫩的小手,讓拼搭過程更舒適安全。 寬大管道口:人性化設計的管道開口寬大,不僅方便孩子拼搭,也避免小手指卡住,確保每一次操作都輕鬆愉快。 藝術色彩與啓蒙效果 藝術美學配色 精心搭配的色彩方案不僅提升了產品的視覺美感,更有助於啓發孩子的色彩感知力與審美能力。每一次的拼搭都是一場視覺與創意的盛宴,讓孩子在不知不覺中培養對美的敏銳觀察。 認知啓蒙與多重玩法 數字、字母、圖案拼搭:透過不同模式的組合,孩子能在遊戲中學習識別數字、字母及圖案,從而建立起早期認知基礎。 滾球歷險記:通過挑戰各種複雜的管道組合,孩子學會發現問題、調整方案,從而在快樂中鍛煉邏輯思維和解決問題的能力。 附贈手冊與產品規格 圖文並茂的使用手冊...
Apitor Robot-X STEM programming learning 12-in-1 robot (Scratch application smart remote control)
Innovative and powerful STEM toy: Robot X is the best educational STEM toy Apitor Robot-X STEM Programming Learning 12-in-1 Robot (Scratch App Smart Remote Control) Video Introduction " width="560" height="349"...
Apitor Robot-S STEM Programming Learning Advanced 10-in-1 Robot (Scratch App Smart Remote Control)
In the AI generation where information is booming, are you worried that your child will not be able to keep up with the times? Worried that your child will miss...
HANYE creative disassembly and assembly of building block screws 🔩 self-assembled STEM toy car 🏎️
Difficulty of assembly: 🔧🔧🔧 (5 points are the most difficult) HANYE creative STEM disassembly and assembly of building block screws, you can use the screws to self-assemble STEM toy cars,...
Germany 🇩🇪BRESSER 1600X STEM Experimental Scientific Microscope🔬 (with blank specimen slides)
Difficulty of assembly: 🔧🔧 (5 is the most difficult) 1600 times ultra-high-definition imaging|Adjustable lighting embedded LED electric light source Can take photos and videos|45°golden viewing angle|German professional brand German BRESSER...
ProsKit GE-617 Taiwan Baogong STEM Solar Four Soldiers
Pro'sKit Baogong Toys discount, buy two 10% off the second one, the discount applies to toys with lower prices. Promo code: proskit10off Pro'sKit Science Toy Series Difficulty of assembly: 🔧🔧🔧...
Goryeo Baby Montessori Early Education 🌳Wooden Carrot Pulling Game🥕
Goryeo toys offer, buy three and get half price on the third, discount applies to lower priced toys. Promo code: goryeo50off Goryeo Toy Series Difficulty of assembly: 🔧 (5 is...
Goryeo Baby🌾Parent-child Animal Farm Maze🧑🌾Roller Ball Magnet Pen Game
Goryeo toys offer, buy three and get half price on the third, discount applies to lower priced toys. Promo code: goryeo50off Goryeo Toy Series Difficulty of assembly: 🔧 (5 is...