Kidrise Christmas Cards

Turn your full Christmas hearts into warm words and pass them on to important children. The Christmas cards will be attached to the outside of the Christmas gift packaging, and you can take out the cards without opening the entire Christmas packaging after you receive them. The Christmas card comes with blank writing paper. You can write on it yourself, and turn your full Christmas heart into warm words and pass it on to important children.
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送禮聖誕賀卡 (絨粒鼻子聖誕老人款式)-增值服務-Kidrise🧒🏻STEM香港教育玩具|STEAM科學實驗玩具|STEM幼兒教育玩具|啟智早教玩具|蒙特梭利教具

Gift Giving Christmas Cards (Santa Style with Fluffy Nose)

Best wishes・Greeting card writing We provide congratulations card service, you can write the card by yourself or write the card for you, and help you write it, and turn your...
送禮聖誕賀卡 (絨粒鼻子大雪人款式)-增值服務-Kidrise🧒🏻STEM香港教育玩具|STEAM科學實驗玩具|STEM幼兒教育玩具|啟智早教玩具|蒙特梭利教具

Gift-giving Christmas card (velvet nose big snowman style)

Best wishes・Greeting card writing We provide congratulations card service, you can write the card by yourself or write the card for you, and help you write it, and turn your...
送禮聖誕賀卡 (絨粒鼻子聖誕馴鹿款式)-增值服務-Kidrise🧒🏻STEM香港教育玩具|STEAM科學實驗玩具|STEM幼兒教育玩具|啟智早教玩具|蒙特梭利教具

Christmas Cards for Gift Giving (Fully Nosed Christmas Reindeer Style)

Best wishes・Greeting card writing We provide congratulations card service, you can write the card by yourself or write the card for you, and help you write it for you, and...
送禮聖誕賀卡 (絨粒鼻子雪人款式)-增值服務-Kidrise🧒🏻STEM香港教育玩具|STEAM科學實驗玩具|STEM幼兒教育玩具|啟智早教玩具|蒙特梭利教具

Gift-giving Christmas card (velvet nose snowman style)

Best wishes・Greeting card writing We provide congratulations card service, you can write the card by yourself or write the card for you, and help you write it, and turn your...
送禮聖誕賀卡 (絨粒鼻子聖誕白熊款式)-增值服務-Kidrise🧒🏻STEM香港教育玩具|STEAM科學實驗玩具|STEM幼兒教育玩具|啟智早教玩具|蒙特梭利教具

Gift-giving Christmas card (christmas white bear style with fluffy nose)

Best wishes・Greeting card writing We provide congratulations card service, you can write the card by yourself or write the card for you, and help you write it for you, and...
送禮聖誕賀卡 (隨機款式)-增值服務-Kidrise🧒🏻STEM香港教育玩具|STEAM科學實驗玩具|STEM幼兒教育玩具|啟智早教玩具|蒙特梭利教具

Gift-giving Christmas card (random style)

Best wishes・Greeting card writing We provide congratulations card service, you can write the card by yourself or write the card for you, and help you write it, and turn your...